
The Use of multimedia in English Language Teaching

The Use of multimedia in English Language Teaching

          Multimedia is the exciting combination of computer hardware and software that allows you to integrate video, animation, audio, graphics, and test resources to develop effective presentations on an affordable desktop computer.

The Current Status of Multimedia Teaching Method in College English Teaching
          College English teaching is to set up a harmonious and high-effective teaching atmosphere in the English class to make students take part in the practice. Thus, we can cultivate their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, which are the final teaching aim-developing the students’ English intercommunicative ability.

Relationship between the Qualities of the College English Teachers and Multimedia Teaching.

Misunderstandings and Disadvantages of Multimedia Teaching in College English Teaching.

Teachers attending to trifles and neglecting the essentials, and English classroom becoming a demonstrating hall of computer functions.

Some Suggestions on Multimedia Teaching in College English Teaching ;
-         Teachers should change their ideas of using multimedia teaching

-         We should devote major efforts to developing multimedia teaching mode based on network circumstance




Hello Everyone 👱👱 It's me 🍒🍒 My name is Oraya  Panalee. You can call me "Palm" My student ID is 5881114020 I'm student at Nakhon Si Thammarat  Rajabhat University. My contact


🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 Directions: Find words or phrases standing for the following acronyms with  short descriptions. IT - the abbreviation for “information technology” (the study and use if electric processes and equipment to store and send information of all kinds, including words, pictures and numbers.) ICT - the abbreviation for “information and communications technology” (the study and use of computers, internat, video, and other technology as a subject at school.) CAI -  computer-assisted instruction หรือ computer-aided instruction CALL - computer assisted language learning WBI -  Web based instruction CBI - Computer Based Instruction CMC - Computer Mediated Communication TELL - Teaching English Language Learners MUD - Multiple User Dialogue MOO - MUD Object Oriented 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 Directions: Describe the following terms. 🍩 Synchronous Tools 🍩     If using the “same time, different place” model of communicat...